Friday, April 1, 2011

NaPoWriMo 2011

So, a couple of years ago I tried National Novel Writing Month, but my mom got cancer and a gazillion complications with surgeries and stuff. So, I put that on hold. I'll try again this November. I watched my husband back in '08 write a 100,000 word novel in 3 weeks, so it can be done. However, writing a poem a day will be good practice for me to send my inner editor/cop out for dougnuts while my writer/thief gets away with the heist. So, here's a struggling thing. I'm trying to get rid of my super-narration. Most of the time, I wouldn't post any of my own poetry on my blog, but this one doesn't really have anything I'd keep but the idea behind it.

Fumbling with latches
thick with purpose.
But not to open, no.
I am joining
sky halves with repository below.
At least, I’m trying.
Reconsider the mask,
its artificial colorings,
those terrible lips.
Who told this box
it had latches?
Who told this box
it was not of one piece?
Who put the corpse between them,
words I pretend to use
but use me?
Only be offered through
aperture of Geb and Nut
the moment before the strepitus
the moment without prejudice.


  1. well delivered message, Thanks for sharing.

  2. outstanding....

    Glad to discover your poetry talent,

    join poets rally.
    make poetic friends, get encouragements via awards.

    come on in, the collection is to be closed within 26 hours.


    hope to see you in ASAP…..

    your talent rocks.
